Light-Breath meditation is a guided visualization that I wrote and used many times with some variations in workshops over the years. People found it to be healing, relaxing, and uplifting. Please feel free to use it as is or change it for your own.
Find a place to sit or lie down where you can be comfortable and not be disturbed during the visualization. Close your eyes and breathe naturally and comfortably. Allow your body to relax into your environment.
Now imagine creating a perfect outdoor space for yourself, a sacred space, that is comfortable and peaceful. Your sacred space is your retreat where you can relax, play, and create. This space has everything that you could possibly need. It is a space for you to ‘be.’
Begin to explore this beautiful sacred space. It is daytime and the sun is shining. As you explore, make it real. Feel the sun and a gentle breeze on your face. Feel the earth beneath your feet as you walk. Notice the sights, sounds, and scents of this space.
Look around you. What do you see? Are there flowers, or trees, or animals, or buildings of any kind?
Listen. What do you hear? Do you hear birds, or rustling leaves, or ocean waves where you are?
Can you smell the scents of flowers or the trees in the forest or the ocean?
As you explore your sacred space you notice a path leading into a forest of stately trees. The path is wide and surrounded by beautiful flowers of all colors. You can hear birds singing as they flit through the branches of the trees. As you walk along the path you notice the different scents of the flowers. Breathe deeply. Allow the aroma of this wondrous place to fill your being.
Ahead of you, you notice a small pool of clear water. Allow yourself to walk up next to the pool and sit down or recline next to it. Notice how still the water is. It is a deep, soundless pool of water. Imagine yourself being as still as the pool.
Imagine feeling as still as the pool of water. Still. Still. Quiet. Peaceful.
In the stillness of yourself, become aware of your breathing. Breathing in and out. In and out. Comfortable slow breaths. Imagine with each breath that you are breathing in and out of every pore in your body. In and out. Every pore of your body. Peaceful. Relaxed.
Inside the stillness of yourself begin to see a spark of light. A tiny spark of light. Deep within. Allow this spark of light to grow larger and larger, until it fills your entire being. The light fills your entire being. Your entire being is filled with light. You are still breathing in and out through every pore in your body.
And now imagine that every breath you take in is Light. You are now breathing in Light through every pore in your body. Streams of Light-Breath move in and out of every pore in your body. In and out. Thousands and thousands of streamers of Light-Breath are moving in and out of every pore of your body. Filling you with Light-Breath. Radiating outside of you with Light-Breath. Imagine now that the streamers of Light-Breath are connecting and interconnecting with the web of life. The matrix of creation. The web of life that is Light. Feel your connection with creation. Allow your Light-Breath to merge with the Light of creation.
Into this web of Light creation give away what you do not need. Let it flow away from you. Don’t dwell on it. Don’t think about it. Just let go of whatever you do not need. Let the Light of creation take it away and transform it, harmless and formless.
Now take what you do need. Allow in the love, compassion, joy, wisdom, grace, serenity. Whatever you need. Feel it as it moves in and out through your Light-Breath. In and out. Filling you with well-being. Peace. Harmony. Equanimity.
Continue breathing Light-Breath in and out. Allow yourself to slowly come back into this space of time. Into this room. Continue breathing Light-Breaths through every pore in your body. Peaceful. Relaxed. Energized. Open your eyes when you are ready.